Holy Name Society

Brooklyn And Queens

Police Department City of New York

The Brooklyn-Queens Holy Name Society is composed of Uniform members of the Service who work in the Patrol Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Our primary goal is to administer to the spiritual needs of our members. In addition, we strongly encourage members to practice their faith by frequent reception of the sacraments.

Marilyn Hargrove holds the Holy Name Society’s award in Sgt. Paul Hargrove’s name next to her family, NYPD members, and Bishop Robert Brennan. Photo: Michael Rizzo, Courtesy of NYPD Holy Name Society of Brooklyn and Queens

Holy Name Society Honors One of its Own

The most emotional embodiment of the themes of faith and family came at the end of the NYPD Brooklyn and Queens Holy Name Society’s 102nd Communion Breakfast on March 10. That’s when the family of retired Sgt. Paul Hargrove received a standing ovation after accepting the newly named award in his honor just days after the 77-year-old succumbed to 9/11-related cancer.

by Michael Rizzo

Saint Michael the Archangel

Prayer to St. Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all evil spirits, who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.


Upcoming Events

Holy Name Meeting Dates 2024-2025

Annual Memorial Service For Deceased Members - November 14, 2024

March Meeting - Theology on Tap - March 6, 2025

BQ Holy Name members in parade

Brooklyn Meetings

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
72-01 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11228

Queens Meetings

Monahan & Fitzgerald
214-17 41st Avenue
Bayside, NY 11361

Other Activities

Annual Golf Outing - Thursday, October 2, 2025

Communion Breakfast - March 9, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Parade - Monday, March 17, 2025

College Scholarship - Application Deadline: June 1, 2025

High School Scholarship Exam - TBD 2025




We are in the process of bringing the Membership registration online. Until then, please download and fill out the printable version of the membership registration and remit this along with your dues.

Membership Registration (PDF)

Active Dues - $20
Retired Dues - $10

Please remit your dues to:

NYPD Holy Name Society
PO Box 260304
Bellerose, NY 11426

Upon receiving dues, a membership card will be mailed.

NYPD Brooklyn-Queens Holy Name Active Members Pay Your Yearly Dues With Automatic Payroll Deductions!

To set this up, please log into the ESS (Employee Self Service) website.

  1. Go to Payroll and Compensation, then to Deduction Information.
  2. Then select NYPD Fraternal Organizations.
  3. Then click enroll.
  4. Scroll down to BROOKLYN-QUEENS HOLY SOCIETY and click.

Remember: there are 2 Holy Name Societies. Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island on the site will say NYPD Holy Name Society not the boro's.

Please click the right one. This is for Active members only.

President's Message

Dear Members of the Brooklyn Queens Holy Name Society,

As we leave the cold grip of winter behind and welcome the renewal of spring, I want to take a moment to reflect on the season ahead. Spring is a time of new beginnings, growth, and faith—a fitting reminder for all of us in the NYPD Brooklyn-Queens Holy Name Society as we continue our mission of service and devotion.

I am honored to invite you all to our 103rd Annual Communion Breakfast, which will take place on Sunday, March 9, 2025. This longstanding tradition is a time for us to come together in faith and fellowship, strengthening our bonds as we receive the Holy Eucharist and share a meal in unity. It is a testament to the values we uphold as Catholic members of the NYPD, and I encourage you all to attend this special occasion.

March also brings one of our most cherished celebrations—St. Patrick’s Day! As we honor the patron saint of Ireland, let us also celebrate the deep faith and rich heritage he represents. I invite all of you to join us in marching proudly in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, a time-honored tradition that showcases our pride, camaraderie, and commitment to faith.

In addition to these celebrations, we are reminded that this season is also one of reflection and sacrifice as we observe Lent. This sacred time calls us to renew our faith through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as we prepare for the joy of Easter—the cornerstone of our beliefs. May this Lenten season inspire us all to grow closer to God and embrace the blessings of the Resurrection with open hearts.

On behalf of the Brooklyn-Queens Holy Name Society, I wish you all a joyous and blessed spring, a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and a meaningful Lenten journey leading to a glorious Easter celebration. I look forward to seeing many of you at our Communion Breakfast and marching together in faith and brotherhood.

May God bless you and keep you safe.

Sgt. Michael A. Ciota
NYPD Brooklyn Queens Holy Name Society

Sgt. Michael Ciota, President

Chaplain's Message

Monsignor Romano

Lent 2025

Another Lent is here and the question arises what should I give up? Cigarettes, alcohol, sweets what's it going to be? Giving up things is a good Lenten practice but we have to ask ourselves if it's really going to be a sacrifice. I tell everyone I give up liver for lent. The truth is I haven't tasted liver since I was in a highchair and my mother was spooning it out of a jar and I was spitting it out.

Lent can also be a time of growth by working on things to deepen our awareness of God's love for us. We can do this by doing things we don't ordinarily do. Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross or volunteering in a soup kitchen these are all examples of making lent more positive rather than negative.

Whatever you decide, make your Lenten journey a good one.

Board of Directors

Past Presidents

Sgt. Edward J. Conroy, Past President
Sgt. Ed Conroy
Immediate Past President
